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"And we'll need a super fancy-pants invitation that will make people LOOOOOONG to come to the party. Exclusive and snooty and... Quidditch-y. So think about how we'll do that too," Vivi pushed herself to her feet and brushed herself off before retrieving her jumper.
"Well, Watson... this has been a very good meeting. I think we have an excellent plan of action, a list of suspects, and some trusty allies we can get to help us along the way. I think we can adjourn this meeting."
Invitations? Why didn't SHE think of this? Merlin, it was lucky for Selina that Genevieve was there. Her Sherlock really was on her A-game. Usually, Selina was pretty handy at plotting and sleuthing, but with Mortimer missing Selina found it hard to concentrate. It was such a blessing that Genvieve had picked up the mantel of head plotter. She nodded,
"I can handle the invitations. I have a guy who does that." Technically it was a girl, but it sounded cooler her way.
Getting up herself, Selina brushed herself off,
"Agreed. Meeting adjourned, Sherlock?" They had covered everything, right?