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Edric tried his best not to face!palm as Daichi took his sarcasm totally seriously. Honestly, if this weird guy went and got his butt kicked by the new groundskeeper, Edric didn't want to have anything to do with it. He had enough guilty incidents crowding up his conscience.
"Right. Well, you should probably leave that for later," said Edric. "Some twenty years later, maybe." Y'know, when he was far from the school and this kid and couldn't witness anything unpleasant.
Luckily, though, the distracted child-like boy forgot the groundskeeper once more as his attention returned to the mini golf course.
"Well… it can be a little more entertaining than ducks," Edric responded to the boy's question. "You can't hit ducks with putters and stuff them in holes on the ground." Which was precisely what you did in the game and, simple as it sounded, it was a fun way to pass time.
But then Edric realized that what he'd just said sounded horrendously gruesome. Duck Boy would probably start crying again. "I mean-- y'know. Not that anyone would want to do that to a duck. That's why we… use golf balls instead…" he tried to explain in a hopeless effort to make himself sound a little less sadistic. Well done, Barlow.
"Forget it."
Let's just forget the ducks and move on to a new topic, shall we?
Luckily the blonde boy played along and proceeded to introduce himself as Daichi. Edric merely nodded. "I'm Edric Barlow." He looked the boy up and down. "Slytherin?"
"I don't get you anymore, first you say i should go and say it to the Groundskeeper and now you are saying i should wait?" Geez this guy was con-fu-sing!
And twenty years was so long!
as the guy began to talk again, Daichi's eyes widened the longer he listened. The way he said that this stupid game was more fun than ducks just made him gasp! Nothing was more fun than ducks! No-th-ing!
He didn't say anything about it though and merely stood and watched with a slight frown on his face. But then it seemed that the guy FINALLY realized what he was doing and started to apologize. In an odd way...
"YAH! I can't just forget what you just said about the duckies!" hmpf.
He felt a bit grumpy which was weird from the normally cheerful guy and even his own feelings scared him a little. But anyone would feel grumpy when someone told them something bad about the thing he loved right?
was getting interested in the game though as looked around the course.
"So you just hit a ball and it falls in a hole? What's so fun about that?!" he asked trying not to look interested but it failed.
"Yep! I am a Slytherin!" the way he said it made him feel so proud, he was proud of being in the same house as his older brother. Eventhough he fitted more in the Hufflepuff house....
"What house are you in? And you want to play a game of this stupid game?"