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"The suck part of party planning is that you don't get to enjoy the fabulous parties you enjoy. It's all stress about making sure everything is perfect and awesome for everyone, about making sure things are where they should be and the punchbowl is full... and you sort of float around outside the fun-having." Vivi rolled out and stretched, although the behind the statue thing was getting cramped.
"Let's get our ducks in a row, Watson. We need to recruit our help, get the team in one place, and assign jobs. And we need to do it before Quidditch starts, so you can get your bat back."
And howling Selina? Pretty adorable. Pathetic, but adorable. Vivi barked back.
Re-filling the punch bowl? Selina had never thought of all the small, intimate parts of party planning that she would have to take care of if she adopted that career. In the span of thirty seconds, Selina had gone from adoring the idea of party planning to loathing it. Going to a party was about having fun- why would she throw a party to not reap the rewards of planning it? It just made no sense,
"Ugh. That stinks. Nevermind. I'd rather just enjoy a party then throw one." And that was the truth.
There was a brief moment when Watson was going to ask Sherlock why they had to involve ducks in this small shindig, but she discovered quickly enough that Viv was not talking about actual ducks. Metaphor, right.
"Okay, so let's get this show on the road then, Sherlock. I'll recruit all of my minions, I mean little lions and the two prefects. And you talk to Vickers. We can regroup once we have a classroom set aside for the trap."
The redhead jumped a little when Genevieve barked. Selina thought they were howling? Apparently she was wrong. But when Selina tried to howl again, it just came out as another puney bark.