Originally Posted by
PotterWings333 "Hmmm where shall I go now..." Ariella asked herself as she skipped down the fifth floor corridor and stopped infront of some funny looking statues. She stood silently looking up at them in the empty hallway and they started back, frozen forever in the same pose. Luckily that wasn't the case for Ari and decided she was bored with this floor and was about to leave when she noticed a little roped off area...
Heeeey! Ariella knew what this was! It was for the two twins who had run the joke shop in Diagon Alley a long time ago... She looked a bit closely and noticed it looked like a swamp!? Thats odd! Ari leaned forward even further so she was staring down at it, hunched over the rope...
Awarlesta made her way down the fifth floor corridor. Manolo made her swear to pay her respects to the all-famous Weasley Brothers dedication. Fred and George Weasley were his idols! As Awar approached the roped off swamp, she saw her good friend, Ari, peering into the swamp piece.
She skipped up to her and poked her.
"Ello, there!"