♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l Quote:
Originally Posted by PuppySara Damon shook his head, "You didn't startle me... I just, normally the only person who talks to me in here was my old friend Min..." He sighed, "Nice to meet you, Violet." He gave a halfhearted smile, "And sorry, I know complaining about my life probably isn't the best way to make a good first impression." Violet then said,"Oh I thought I had.." feeling a slight bit better that she hadn't startled it. Then she frowned a little bit saying,"Aww, well where is your friend?" Violet then quickly said after he apologized,"No, I don't believe that your giving a bad impression of yourself at all, because honestly, I think that it's a little better to verbalize what's bothering you...Other than keeping it all bottled up inside.." She paused before she said slowly,"..I should know.."
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