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Stepping over to bed two Cece interrupted the conversation going on there. "So tell me Mr. Muir, just exactly how is it you injured your shoulder?" Yes, she had read the check-in form but she wanted to hear him tell her what happened. She was finding it a bit hard to believe that a Slytherin could be such a... what was the word she was looking for here?
Laughing quietly he nodded, "Yeah I don't think it would have helped having to be dragged here. Looking up as the healer came over, he made a face "Well I forced me friend te go through the 9 3/4 platform entrance, 'cause he's terrified of magical doors. So I used my quidditch skills te make him when he was least expecting it." Oh crap, that sounded BAD! "I mean if I hadn' he wouldn' haf gotten te Hogwarts fer his last term!" There, better right? He hoped so.
"Then when the train stopped, I was thrown inte the door of the carriage, inte the same shoulder. I helped get te girls te the carriages thet were both injured from the train and portkeys." Yep by carrying them, one being Amelia. Beaming at her he finally ended his explanation, turning back to the healer "Last night it was hurting a bit more, and well this morning now I can' even move it. 'Tis really stiff."