49% Dalmatian | | 51% Human Quote:
Originally Posted by SweetPeea Violet jumped a little bit when she saw he was little startled at the sound of her voice. She then quickly said,"I'm sorry for scaring you!" Then he had seemed to look a little disappointed at seeing her, almost as if he was hoping it was someone else. Violet then smiled a little bit when he said she could see, and making sure not mess up her skirt, she carefully sat down next to the troubled boy. She calmly crossed her legs, placing her hands on top of her legs as she looked at him. Then he went on to tell her why he was upset and Violet almost instantly had a flashback to her own life....something that sounded too familiar to what she had gone through.
But to make sure that she heard everything he said, Violet tried not to get distracted in her own thoughts of a relationship that ended so terribly. But trying not to say the wrong thing Violet said softly,"I am so sorry that you have to go through this...But trust me..I can definitely relate.." But she wouldn't get into that now. The next thing she knew, he had introduced himself and Violet smiled a little bit saying,"It's lovely to meet you Damon Ashllyn-Darkmyr Mercada.." She then politely offered her hand to shake his saying,"My name is Violet Annaliese Le Veela.." Damon shook his head, "You didn't startle me... I just, normally the only person who talks to me in here was my old friend Min..." He sighed, "Nice to meet you, Violet." He gave a halfhearted smile, "And sorry, I know complaining about my life probably isn't the best way to make a good first impression." |