Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
Joshua was alive! Josh was out there, probably hurt, but kicking and breathing!
Relief washed over the Ravenclaw as soon as she got out of Lafay's office, up to her dorms where she spent two hours letting out the remaining sobs of happiness, cuddled with her two cats like an official pathetic vulnerable girl, and then wrote down a short letter to send to the survivor. She was still wearing her uniform, without the outer robe, as she climbed the tower to the owlery. The letter neatly folded in her hand, and her wand's in the other one.
Before she stepped into the tower, Louisa paused upon hearing someone talk. She listened in, quietly, leaning against the wall. Snaty? Who was Snaty? Pretty weird!funny name, though. Heh heh heh. The Ravenclaw finally got out from behind the wall and walked into the owlery, where Cassia the little Snake was, "Having fun?" She asked the girl as she approached the wooden plank where owls were supposed to fly to whenever someone asked for them. It was empty now because all owls seemed to be in their nests across the walls.
It was getting frustrating! Cassia had been here calling for her mean and stubborn owl to come closer but Snaty, her owl would just not get any closer. He knew he was bothering Cassia and he enjoyed it. Yeah, he was an owl but Cassia knew how he thought! But she wasn't going to allow this to continue. She was going to put an end to his harassment.How? Erm..she hadn't come up with a plan yet but when she will it's going to be severe. Yeah she could manage severe somehow.
"You are an owl and you deliver letters," She called out to the screeching owl. She took out the letter fiom her pocket and waved with it to emphasize what she said."
Snaty!" She frowned at him.
"Come here already..." She said desperately. She had told her parents that she didn't want this creature but her father insisted that she should deal with her decisions and endure the consequences! Whatever that meant! When she had bought the owl it wasn't clear that it was an unfriendly creature.
In the middle of her debate with the owl, Cassia heard a voice. She turned to the source of the voice and found the Ravenclaw head girl. She creased her brows ,"
No of course I'm not." Did she look that amusing. "
I'm trying to get my stobborn owl to get down here and deliver this letter. But he's being a.......despicable creature!" Cassia spit out.