Thread: Front Desk
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Old 09-08-2012, 07:08 AM   #17 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Taylor thought about what he asked, "Hm... perhaps maybe a biography?" She wasnt really sure but biographies were usually really interesting and maybe the librarian would know a very interesting one to read. Tay shifted a little.
A biography? Racking his brain for titles Leobald offered. "The biography about Gilderoy Lockhart is a worthy read or did you prefer to read about a witch?" That biography about Lockhart or any biography usually had some life lesson to be taught if the reader was perceptive enough to pick up on it.

Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
Glancing over at the girl who'd gotten there before him, he smiled and looked back to Professor Kitridge and nodded "I'm sure we could help ye with thet." He hadn't met the girl before, but was sure they could work together just fine on it! "What do ye need us te do?"
He'd gotten to know the library fairly well last term with doing the research as well as sorting books on the shelves and the book club meetings. So he was sure whatever the task for setting up the bookshelf or trolley wouldn't be a problem at all!
Splendid, the boy was up to the challenge. Whilst waiting for Sarah’s answer Mr Kitridge focused on the snake boy. "Your name is Isaac right?" he asked. A name was a wonderful thing. Stopping himself from falling into contemplations Mr Kitridge shook his head slightly as he began explaining. "I’ve got two big boxes in the back room that contains an assortment of books both new and old. I need you to read the back pages of each book and see if they seem interesting to read or even worthy to read at all. I want the trolley/bookshelf to hold a variety of books from different genres."

"And while you’re at it you’ll need to make sure that all the books are labeled that you choose to be on the trolley/bookshelf and the last task will be to come up with a system for the books either alphabetically or by genre. Does that seem simple enough?" Leobald surely hoped so because it would put at least one of his projects into motion.

Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
As she skipped away she remembered not answering Mr. Kitridges question about her name, and not introducing onesself was incredibly rude. Presley threw a grin over her shoulder and added "Presley. My name is Presley."
Turning halfway in the direction of the girl Mr Kitridge laughed warmly. "Thank you Presley I’ll be sure to remember your name." It would be embarrassing if he forget her name but most probably he wouldn’t.

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Cassia approached the front desk with steady steps and straightened before she started speaking. "Good day Mister Kitridge," She nodded at the librarian ,"I need your help," The words got out of her mouth a biiit desperately for the second year girl was kinda exaggerating her owl's matter.
Mr Kitrdige was busy trying to remember where he had placed the papers which were for Headmistress Truebridge so he didn’t at first acknowledge the young blond girl who had come up to the front desk. It was the tone in her voice which jerked him into attention. Dropping what he had by hand he turned his full attention to the girl who looked like she was about 12 or 13 years old. "Good day dear, what can I help you with?”

"Is something wrong, love? Has something happened?" Mr Kitridge asked concerned given that the girl in front of him seemed agitated by the tone in her voice. At Hogwarts anything could happen so the librarian braced himself for the worst.
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