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Old 09-08-2012, 03:07 AM   #17 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Belle saw the plead in her voice, "Oh of course i can try to magic the ink away." Belle smiled and waved her wand "Tergeo Trunk." she said and the trunk was cleaned of ink. "My mom taught me that spell and it works on everything, too bad i can not use it in the muggle world, it would make things SO much easier." Belle laughed. "Here give me the picture...Tergeo picture!" Belle commanded and the picture was cleared of ink. "You better remember this spell or write it down, it might come in use." Belle winked at her kindly.
Sutton nodded earnestly, taking the request very seriously. Nearby, splayed out among the other various contents of her trunk, was her book for charms class. Flipping it open to the spell index, she searched through the alphabatized list until she found it... "Tergeo".

With a pencil laying nearby, she circled the spell, then flipped back to the pages that described the spell. First the first time since she'd arrived at Hogwarts, Sutton pulled her wand out with right hand, picking up a copy of a Muggle novel that had also been stained by the ink. Mimicking the wand movement from the spell book, Sutton pointed her wand at the novel and said questioningly, "Tergeo book!"

The ink faded a bit, but it was obviously still there, set in to the cover of the novel.
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