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Old 09-08-2012, 03:01 AM   #16 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by MissMUDBL00D View Post
Harlan was just bent over her letter to her brother when she heard a thud. She shrugged and didn't bother looking up, surely it wasn't very important. This letter was. It was his birthday in like.. a few days. And she had no idea how fast her owl was delivering letters.

Just as she had told her brother how awesome Hufflepuff was and that if he was a Wizard he'd have to be in this house a girl called out for her. Harlan looked up and raised an eyebrow.
One girl was bent over another girl.. the redhead she'd met at the trainstation before leaving for Hogwarts.
Harlan frowned and laid her letter aside, now was the time to be a super hero like Chris had said.
'What happened..?' Harlan sat down and thought that maybe they should get the girl up.
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
Two middle names? Wow. That was interesting. Surely this girl's mother was a huge fan of names, unless Sutton was named after certain people. That ws also possible. "That's pretty cool. S..R..JP" mumbled Ness as she thought through the initials of the name.


As Sutton came beside her, Ness sighed. She didn't want people to fuss over her. She was fine. It was just a small fall, couldn't they just pretend it never happened? Clearly not. Mehh..

Now another girl had to come too?

Renesmee sat up. "I'm fine, I'm fine." That ought to stop this right? "Don't worry about me, I fall all the time." That wasn't completely true, but also it wasn't a lie. It wasn't the first time she had fallen, they should have known that. People fell everyday. Why make such a big deal out of it?
Sutton shrugged at the girl who had kindly come over to help her. Honestly she wasn't sure how Renesmee had fallen in the floor. One second she had been sitting, and the next she hadn't been. But there didn't actually seem to be anything wrong with her, and Sutton looked away as her face blushed slightly. She felt silly for having made such a fuss over it. Maybe every fall wasn't resultant in injury. Still... she could have knocked a tooth out or something.

Looking back to Renesmee, she glanced her badge again, which was now close enough to read. This could work... she could smooth this over. With a small smile, she said, "Well, we couldn't have our Quidditch captain getting injured and then not be healed, now could we?!" Looking at the other girl with raised eyebrows, Sutton hoped that she would say something smart and chime in...

...Because frankly Sutton didn't have any clue what Quidditch actually was, just that involved brooms. The other students seemed to talk about it an awful lot, though...
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