Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
Vandalizing it? Louisa screwed up her face at the thought, "I would've personally tried to catch who did that." Like she was personally going to catch the tipper to the Apparecium articles ruining her reputation. Shallow, insolent people who got too much time to waste uselessly, stalking and snooping around. HMPH. But they -the articles- didn't prevent the school staff to appoint her as Head Girl, did they? Nope.
And sure enough, this was what Vickers say next after a short period of silence.
Louisa felt his hand slip into hers, and instead of looking up at him, her eyes went for the hand. She slowly shifted hers so that her palm touched his, briefly. "Thank you." Now she looked up at him and tried to read ALL the motives of those words and gesture. Which might be just a friendly one, maybe he wanted to press her hand - like Louisa did sometimes with Adam and Paulie. "I didn't expect it, you know. I was with my dad at the Leaky Cauldron when I got it." Her mouth twitched into a smile but it wasn't that big or exciting, "Usually my mom and stepdad just wave it off. But with a wizard parent, he was aware of the value of this badge. It was a good feeling to have him with me at that moment." Not great, considering that she didn't feel attached to him. But it was good, better than being with magic-haters. Heh.
Shifting slightly on her spot, the Ravenclaw dropped her gaze to where her feet started pushing against the ground, in an attempt to move the swing, even if only slightly. "Yeah, thank you again." About the offer to help. She gave a half-amused smile though as she went on, "I would've appreciated the stunt at the Prefects compartment wasn't my first as a Head Girl, though." Nothing bad came out of it, but Louisa was so tensed about everything already.
His gaze drifts momentarily to their hands as he felt hers shift around, palm now touching against palm. Glancing up again into her face he squeezes her hand again, perhaps that now has a deeper meaning, what it was his conscious mind doesnt quite grasp as of yet.
"Right, you mentioned about staying at the Leaky for a few days to meet your dad-- who you havent seen in a while?" or more like most of her life
".... How did that go?" He was... curious, how it was like to meet a man as important as one's biological father who's been absent most of one's formative years. Totally trying not to think about his own situation. He cares not for the irresponsible after all.
He winced at the mention of that stunt
Elijah they pulled at the Prefects Compartment
"Louisa I promise you, I didnt mean any of that to happen-- not that way I mean..." words just started pouring out now, whether or not she wanted to hear it
"When I saw you at Kings Cross you seemed a bit..... strange." he shifted his gaze away for a bit, trying to contain about the oddness of how he felt seeing her practically RUN FROM him before willing himself to look at her again
"...It was like you were on edge or something-- and I didnt know if it was something I said or did then... or before then..." was he making any sense?
"So as soon as I was able to I headed for the Prefects Compartment, just to see if you were ok y'know? Just wanted to take a peek...." he mumbled towards the end. Merlin the word CREEPER and STALKER was starting to bounce around again in his head.
"SO.... when I got there Elijah was talking to all of you. And I would've just left him be--but I heard him PRETEND to be Lewis. If it was just you guys you know how he is-- but the new Headmistress was THERE-- AND the Board of Governors. I didnt know if the fool knew so I jumped in trying to get him out of trouble-- pull him away before he gets into a deeper mess. Instead he dragged me in." He was looking into her eyes now, the remorse was palpable
"I swear it was not my intention to put you on the spot-- it just HAPPENED." You know the kind of happened HAPPENED between them last month? Absolutely nothing premeditated.
"I'm sorry...."