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Old 09-07-2012, 08:52 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Saiai View Post
And he was winking again. She'd hoped he'd grown out of that. Much as she loved him it could look strange. Like on the day they met and he'd winked so much she thought he had something in his eye... Although, he did look cute when he did so. And it was kind of charming. In a way. But then Isaac was charming, so it wasn't really surprising.

"Honestly I'd be happy if I could have another 2 inches or something. At least then I'd be 5'6. If it weren't for magic I wouldn't be able to reach anything," which was true. She knew from having to jump to reach stuff in muggle supermarkets when she went out in flats. She'd had to do it in heels as well when she'd needed something on the top shelf. That hadn't been fun. "You are pretty tall, but I like that you're tall, and how well we fit together too," she admitted. She didn't really mind too much that she was so short, she just got frustrated occasionally. That and today everything that didn't go her way was getting on her nerves. Mainly because nothing had really been going her way all Summer. Hopefully this term things would go her way.

"Mmm. I could fall asleep too. Although sleeping in the common room probably isn't advisable, and it probably wouldn't do your shoulder any good," if they fell asleep he'd probably end up all stiff. And well, if Amelia fell asleep on him she wouldn't react kindly if he woke her up. Which he'd have to do. But she wasn't going to move just yet.
Nodding, he could understand that. If she grew another 2 inches she'd be less then a foot shorter then him. But he still didn't mind, though he could understand how it would be totally frustrating about not being able to reach stuff without magic and even then being limited to not using magic til recently outside school. Then in shopping in the muggle world not being able to use it at all! "I can reach those tall things fer you." he teased when she said she liked that he was tall. But he knew how independent she was too. "We fit tegether perfectly." he said softly. Nothing better then cuddling your girlfriend while sitting together in a squashy chair!

"Nope might get some funny looks." he said laughing softly, nodidng at her comment on his shoulder "Yeah thet'd probably get really stiff come morning. Plus I couldn' carry ye te yer bed if ye fell asleep on me." Nope that thing about guys not in the girls dorms kind of was bad at times like this situation.