Superfan of: Minerva, Severus, Albus, Hermione <3 Travelling/ History geek/ TV show addict
On her way to Professor Bentley's office, Ariadne had already put her name on the Herbology Task Force sign-up sheet. She had never been a genius when it came to plants, but her Head of House had encouraged her (in the girl's third year, was it?) to go out in the nature and look at plants more if she wanted to become a successful wandmaker. Which she had done and wanted to continue doing.
After checking her watch to make sure she was not early to the appointment, the Gryffindor knocked on the door and waited for admittance, all the while holding a plant pot, with buds of pineapple sage, from her stepfather's gardens in southern France. Salvia elegans, as it's officially called, had reminded her of her Head of House, so she had gotten some cuttings to bring back to Hogwarts.
Ariadne's year at Beauxbatons had been a huge change in her life, so huge that she simply couldn't adapt, and it had been really hard for her to seek advice from anyone at that school. But now she was back at Hogwarts, where Bentley was still Gryffindor Head of House. Ari was grateful that hadn't changed.
After being admitted in, the girl smiled brightly and greeted her Head of House. 'Hello, Professor. How are you?' She lifted the pot a bit awkwardly and added: 'This is for you. Pineapple Sage.' Ariadne was unsure if the plant had magical properties, but it sure smelled nicely when in bloom.
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