SPOILER!!: Presley
Originally Posted by
Presley Black
Presley nodded. "I suppose it's possible. I mean, I really and truly know nothing about him. He might even be a squib, or a centaur or something." She realized as soon as that came out of her mouth that she had just categorized squibs and centaurs together. "Not that Squibs and Centaurs are anything alike. I was trying to say that he might not be a wizard or a muggle." she corrected herself, feelling awkward for making the mistake.
Pesley nodded again following Mr. Kitridges point with her eyes so that she would know exaclty where to search. "Thank you, sir." She smiled. Unlike the other staff member she'd had the fortune to meet today, she could see herself liking Mr. Kitridge, and maybe having some interesting logic debates. He certainly was kind and helpful.
"Oh that would be wonderful!" Presley said in response to his generous offer. "I'll go check out the astronomy and muggle sections. Let me know if you find anything?" Of course he would. He was only checking on this because she'd asked, but it had seemed like the best parting line to Presley as she skipped down the shelves until she came to the one filled with Astronomy tomes.
Mr Kirk could possibly be a centaur, a wizard, a muggle or a squib. Um right or even a goblin or a ghost.
"Let’s not jump to conclusions about the man's heritage before we actually find something written about Mr Kirk." Leobald said calmly. If all inquiries in the library failed there was always the possibility of owling Professors Burbage, Scabior and Cerulean for assistance or really their expertise.
He had a feeling that the Ravenclaw girl wasn’t going to seek out all those professors to find out who Captain Kirk was.
"What’s your name dear?" Leobald wanted to have a name to call her by since it was more respectful and polite then girl or vice versa.
"Of course I will. I’m actually getting as interested in finding out who Mr Kirk is as you are." Mr Kirtridge grinned. A little mystery to solve always sparkled up the day. Leobald watched the claw as she disappeared off in the direction he had pointed out earlier before starting his own investigation.
SPOILER!!: Sarah & Isaac
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Sarah loved libraries. If she had to live in a room her whole life, she would choose a library - the Hogwarts librar especially.
"Hello sir, I would like to know if you need help around the library" Sarah asked the librarian, flashing a smile. "I love everything to do with books"
Originally Posted by
Silver Ninja
Dropping by the front desk, Isaac wanted to give a hand in the library again this term. Last term had been fun with helping out. He loved working in the library, he was there enough on his own, with studying and stuff. AND not to mention he loved books! Approaching the desk he waited for Professor Kitridge to notice him "I was hoping to help in the library again this term. If you're looking for helpers again, that is."
Mr Kitridge was taking a short break from the task he was working when two students strolled up to the front desk. The girl he recognized from last year, Sarah a lioness. The boy on the other hand he couldn’t place. He looked familiar though.
Beaming broadly at them both in turn he greeted.
"Good day, you two are actually in luck! I do have something you could do for me if you are willing? I was thinking of putting up a trolley or maybe even a bookshelf for recommended books, new books and well generally books which are worth reading? Think you two can help with that?"
Leobald didn’t say it out loud but awarding the two with house points if they took upon themselves to do this task for him and complete it seemed like a good bargain. Waiting for their answers he let his gaze drift and take note of what was going around the library.