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Nate grinned at both of them. He was happy to know the other's name now. "Hey Messer. Or as i should say Messy." He said in his Bristish accent extending his hand for Messy to shake. He heard Alec calling him Messy, so Nate would too. "So do you like soccer? because I've heard of a soccer player named Messy." He question Messy. Then he looked back down at his guitar. It was a beautiful acoustic guitar. Well Nate thought it was beautiful at least. It had a light tan coloring with a hint of brown. After that he looked over at his notebook.
Before he could flip the page to a different song Alec spoke. "Thanks. And you should get a hair cut, don't ya' think. it getting kind of long. To long if you ask me. I'm more of a short hair person." He said brushing back his dirty blonde hair. Nate would have to get a haircut himself as well. His hair wasn't even that long yet he still thought he needed one. Next he went back to his notebook, and now he flipped to a different, random, page. Then he started to play a differnt tune while singing
"Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way I found out I'm nothing without you"
OOC: (disclaimer this sone belongs to the wonderful Kelly Clarkson)
"I prefer you call me Messer, mate." Yes, he DID know that most of his friend called him Messy but he still prefer Messer thank you very much.
"I do like soccer. Err. I have no idea. But even though there's a soccer player name Messy I'm pretty sure we're not related." His father would said something of they have famous soccer player in the Messer family.
"You have a good taste in music, Nate." he told him.
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[COLOR="#315B7"]Alec BLINKED at Messy. Sure, staring was rude and he knew that but... how could anyone not stare when their roommate was pretending that a pillow was their girlfriend?! Yeah, Alec didn't really understand this. How could someone be so close to a PILLOW?! "Mate, having an intimate snuggling session with your pillow isn't exactly normal," he said.
... Messer was being really really weird. Did he not have enough ice cream over the summer or...? That was probably why he was being extra weird! Not enough ice cream! Yeah, it all made sense now! "And that's why you're cuddling the life out of it?" This guy. Really. "It's you... wife? Tell me, Messy, when did you two get married?" And how come he wasn't invited to the wedding or made Best Man? Yeah... Summers was slightly OFFENDED now.
And look! He was getting up from his bed to eat. And... bringing his pillow. So there was no luck in separating them. "Anytime, dude! And... I wouldn't know what to do without you as well," Yeah, he needed his weird entertainment and someone to tease. As for his next question... Alec's grey-blue eyes wandered over the pile of food and he ruffled his hair. "Erm... there are all kinds of sweets! Like gummy sweets and fizzy sweets and hey, some chocolate frogs as well!" It was probably a good thing that Blue wasn't here to see this.
Wait, WHAT?! "I'm not jealous of you and your... erm... girlfriend," he said, making sure to put quite a bit of emphasis on the last word. As for his summer... Alec didn't really know how to answer that. He did need to tell Messy everything that happened and starting was the summer was the best way to start, really. "Erm... summer was... alright," he said, giving the guy a small smile, "How was your summer?" Alec reached over and tore open the wrapper to a packet of fizzy coke bottles before starting his munching marathon.
"Says who? There's no rule about that." Yes, he was pretty sure no one ever wrote a rule like that.
"I think your pillow is not as comfy as mine so you decided to make that..that..comment." NO, Summers you won't get to get close to my pillow! He hugged his pillow a little bit more tighter (if that even possible) than before.
Cuddling the life out of it? Huh? "I'm trying to be sarcastic, mate. If you didn't noticed." But yeah he did missed his pillow. Wife?!
"No its not my wife. Its my night life saver. You know from the horrible sounds you were making during the night." Nod. Nod. Nod.
"Beside its not my type." he told Alec but then his eyes went back to his pillow.
"Don't be sad pillow. You still my ears and life saver." Messer petted his pillow just like petting a kitten.
"And don't worry IF I do get married someday you'll know." Because Alec probably the first person who knows it.
"Good to know." Grins.
"And we should probably stop talking about that because we sounded like girls." And that's a bad thing. A VERY bad thing. Gummy sweets, fizzy sweets and some chocolate frogs? Yummy.
"Good lad." Messer petted Alec's shoulder then picked up one of the chocolate frog.
He raised his eyebrows at Alec's comment.
"Sureeeee you didn't, mate." he said before eating his chocolate frog. Its a good thing that Blue and Alice are not a Hufflepuff or he might be dead by now.
Alright? Nothing else?
"So, nothing interesting happened during summer then?" His summer?
"Hmm..Its good. I got abducted by Alien." he said the 'Alien' part in a whisper. That's a lie of course but Alec didn't need to know that just yet.