totally looks like: jesse burgess
Name: Tomas Edwin Lear
DoB: Eighteenth of October
Age: Fifteen
Year At Hogwats: Fifth
Blood: Pureblood
Best Subjects: Ancient Ruins
Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: Flying/anything physical
Pets: Pharaoh Eagle-Owl - Ozymandias
Personality: Tomas is your perfect little rich boy. He expects everything to be done for him and if it isn't, he wont dishonour himself by throwing a fit, he'll simply make it harder for anyone to do anything they want to. He is very devious, which is probably why he was sorted into the Snake house and will always put himself before anyone else. He usually has his head buried in a book of some historical form and doesn't enjoy being disturbed.
On the topic of girls, he tries to avoid them at all costs. In his eyes, girls are just distractions from a higher goal of succeeding and he doesn't like the idea of being with one. He doesn't make friends very easily and wont put himself out to try. To Tomas, he is far better off alone, and will actually walk away from a person if they are trying to engage in social interaction.
Eye Color: Gray
Hair: Brown
Skin: Clean, porcelain.
Height: 5'9
History: -coming soon-