Thread: Front Desk
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Old 09-07-2012, 08:14 AM   #9 (permalink)
Presley Black
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Xavier Rodriguez Fullmer
First Year
Dancing Through Life

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post

Maybe he had praised her too early? The girl didn’t seem to like darling Professor Burbage at all. Focus. "Is it possible that Mr Kirk could be a muggle?" Mr Kitridge suggested since well if he was a wizard then surely he would have known who he was or at least an idea where the claw could look for him amongst the books on the many shelves.

"Good idea, the astronomy section is located in the reference section to your right. You can also check in the muggle section on the left near the stained glass windows." Mr Kitridge pointed in the different direction of the two shelves.

"If you want I can make some inquiries and see if I can find out who he is for you?" he offered. It was the least he could do when she had come and asked for his help.
Presley nodded. "I suppose it's possible. I mean, I really and truly know nothing about him. He might even be a squib, or a centaur or something." She realized as soon as that came out of her mouth that she had just categorized squibs and centaurs together. "Not that Squibs and Centaurs are anything alike. I was trying to say that he might not be a wizard or a muggle." she corrected herself, feelling awkward for making the mistake.

Presley nodded again following Mr. Kitridges point with her eyes so that she would know exaclty where to search. "Thank you, sir." She smiled. Unlike the other staff member she'd had the fortune to meet today, she could see herself liking Mr. Kitridge, and maybe having some interesting logic debates. He certainly was kind and helpful.

"Oh that would be wonderful!" Presley said in response to his generous offer. "I'll go check out the astronomy and muggle sections. Let me know if you find anything?" Of course he would. He was only checking on this because she'd asked, but it had seemed like the best parting line to Presley as she skipped down the shelves until she came to the one filled with Astronomy tomes.
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