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Dylan frowned a little as she went through her whole speech about unspoken rule, well yeah sure she was right they couldn't be spoken but no-one needed to tell anyone that she had said it right? Yeah.. it was just them two and that old witch statue but no-one else, so no-one needed to know unless there was someone hiding in that statue which he didnt think there was. Again she petted his head and said that he would figure it out "Yeah! I can figure it out, I am a smart ki.. boy!" he said almost saying kid of which he was not!
He saw that her face fell a little, okay what did he say wrong now? It was obvious that whenever anyone did that.. that the other person had something wrong. Ohhh so thats what burst her bubble, sheesh these captains! Couldn't even allow a ki.. no a boy to have a little fun in thinking that he was going to make the team.. no worries he would let it slide for now "Yeah I know.. and when you see me in that try out.. you will know for sure!" yeah she would know that he belongs on the team! "Don't worry not taking your job, just having a little fun" he chuckled
But soon stopped as he heard that she hadn't, hmm well that was strange that no-one had seen the bat and it was not in many of the places she had looked at. "You know what I think? I think the Slytherins hid it so that we wouldn't be able to win in a match" yup that was his theory and they had better return it or else!
Selina was glad that the little kid dropped the subject of the unspoken questions. It did sort of defeat the purpose of the whole thing. You know, the unspoken rules wouldn't be unspoken anymore if she spoke of them. So she was glad that Dylan agreed it was better to preserve the dignity of such an old set of rules then to exploit them for personal gain. Because she would hate to see the reputation of the rules if they were soiled.
"You are a smart kid," she chuckled,
"Oops, sorry. I meant, boy." No she didn't.
However, the fact that he was just assuming that he would make the team upset her a little. That was not what she wanted her little Gryffindor to think because life did not work that way. If you wanted something you had to work for it and then MAYBE, if you were good and lucky, you would get you want. No one just got on the team because they knew it. If that was the way it worked EVERYONE would make the team. But she did not want to scare the kid, so she settled for just saying cautiously,
"Okay, well bring your A game for try outs and we will see." That was all she was going to say about that.
HER BAT! Her baby bat. Her beautiful baby bat. The bat that had been ripped out of her hands from some unknown person... well not actually... it was a metaphor. But the Slytherin comment did make her laugh,
"I don't know if they'd do THAT... but its a cute thought." Cute kid.