Made by Roro
Model: Molly C Quinn Name: Emmaleigh Aryn Swynford
Nicknames: Em (just about everyone), Emma (Freya)
DOB: August 11, 2061
Age: 17 (As of Fall 2078)
Year/ House: 7th/ Hufflepuff
Relationship: single
Dates Attended Hogwarts: Fall 2072- Christmas Break 2077, Fall 2078-present
Blood Status: Half-blood (technically)
Wand: 11.5 inch, Walnut wood and a Phoenix Feather for the core. Quite a flexible wand
Wand hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Subjects: Ancient Runes and Divination
Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: Flying and Arithmancy
Magical Pets Elf Owl: Halt
Purple Pygmy Puff: Pintsize
“Baby” Owl: Yvaine
Family Mother: Anne Scott Swynford- Muggle
Father: Aden Baines Swynford- Pureblood Squib
OOC: Hi guys, I'm Lauren. I'm 24, and this is my seventh term RPing. I;ve had trouble keeping up with the site the last five terms, but Its gonna be different this time, Promise!! I'm so excited for Em's last term, so if anyone wants to play, just shoot me a VM.