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Elliot raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. Merlin, she saw the red...he was obviously a Gryffie. And a typical one, seeing how sloooowww he seemed to be...
And then- cheek. He said something sarcastic. Which, instead of oddly enough making Elliot angrier, calmed her down. Because hey, the Ravenclaw could appreciate some good, healthy sarcasm. She dosed it out to people almost every day. "Yeah...it kind of is...if you could just, like, turn into liquid or something, that'd be great," she fired back, crossing her arms. Her eyes flickered to the shelf...mysteries...
Was it possible that ANOTHER gryffindor liked to read? Wow. Elliot was a bit SHOCKED.
Edric graced the rude little girl beside him with a half-smile as she requested that he turn into liquid. He always appreciated someone who could play along to sarcasm instead of eating it all up. Like that Daichi character he'd met the other day.
"That's a bit challenging," responded Edric, almost looking as if he was really considering the idea of magically turning into a puddle of water on the floor. "I can't promise I'll try my best." But he could promise not to try at all. The boy had better things to do than to try to figure out the impossible.
The library was supposed to be a place of peace and calm, yet this girl looked like she was ready to knock over every bookshelf in the place, most likely hoping to cause as many broken-bone injuries as possible.
"You really shouldn't be running around here," said Edric, because even if the girl was clever she still needed her lecture for being chaotic. "There's a Quidditch field outside if you need to burn excess energy." 'Cause she seemed to have quite a bit of that in her.