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Edric was absentmindedly flipping through the pages of a book on the many wonders of gillyweed when, suddenly, someone let a bull loose in the library and the crazed animal attacked him, causing the boy to lose his balance for a second and making the book he was holding to fall from his hands and hit the stone floor.
But when the startled boy sharply turned his gaze in the direction of the attacker, he saw it wasn't some crazy wild animal that had confused him for a red tablecloth. It was a person. A girl, actually. One too small to be carrying that kind of strength.
Edric picked up his book from the floor and turned to the girl, opening his mouth, but before any words could come out, the girl was already telling him off. Apparently, he was at fault for not merging into the bookshelf.
"Oh. I'm sorry," said the boy, sounding anything but. "Is the solid state of my body an inconvenience to you?" Because, y'know, he could totally just go in ghost-mode if that's what the girl wanted. Except not really.
Elliot raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. Merlin, she saw the red...he was obviously a Gryffie. And a typical one, seeing how sloooowww he seemed to be...
And then- cheek. He said something
sarcastic. Which, instead of oddly enough making Elliot angrier, calmed her down. Because hey, the Ravenclaw could appreciate some good, healthy sarcasm. She dosed it out to people almost every day.
"Yeah...it kind of is...if you could just, like, turn into liquid or something, that'd be great," she fired back, crossing her arms. Her eyes flickered to the shelf...mysteries...
Was it possible that ANOTHER gryffindor liked to read? Wow. Elliot was a bit SHOCKED.