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"Good evening..." the Headmistress responded slowly to the Gryffindor. She remembered her, yes she did. The girl won only a few more points of credit in her mind by apologizing.... and complimenting her speech... but she was, by no means, forgiven just yet.
Even if she DID like the brooch too. "Mmm. How mature of you to apologize... Alexis? Was it?" She shook her red head though. "No apologies necessary. I'd prefer for you to show better judgment and use common sense in the future, though."
There, enough said there. She turned to the next waiting student...
Le Gasp! Lex was momentarily stunned when the woman responded with her own good evening! Sure it was normal to respond that way when someone said that to someone else but apparently that wasn't how Professor Scabior saw things. Mean man threw her greeting back in her face. He would get his soon enough. For now she focused on removing the shocked look from her face.
She beamed when the woman called her mature. Hehe, she thought she was mature; wait 'til her father heard that one! He'd probably start letting her stay up late to watch tv!!! Eeeppp!! She sure hoped so!
"Um no ma'am it's Alexa. Lex bit the last woman that called her that but at the moment she was trying to score brownie points so of course she said this with a forced smile. How could anyone mess up her name???
She nodded.
"Yup! Don't worry, I'm all about the good judgement!" and all that other useless stuff that she never planned to use. Soooo...
"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" She was never very good at beating around the bush for too long-- the compliment giving thing nearly killed her!