Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Alright, so she was going to send that owl as soon as they finished up their sleuthing. It was a sign anyway- since she needed a new pair of socks from her Mum. There had been a little incident in the Common Room with Walnut, so she was gonna send the letter to her Mum anyway. Now she could also do something that benefited Mortimer. At the end of the day, it was a great idea in her book. Genevieve was sort of brilliant... that hat did wonders. Really.
SPEAKING OF THE HAT! Selina took off the monocle and handed it to Genevieve, "It's been ten minutes, your turn to wear it." It was such a nifty piece of jewelry. To hog it would be unfair. Perhaps, though, the two of them ought to invest in TWO monocles.
Oh yeah... back to suspects.
Weird suspects? Hmm.... well a few people had been sort of weird about the whole Mortimer bit. Maybe THEY stole Mortimer. Only time would tell. But now she had to tell Genevieve who was being a SUSPICIOUS SUSPECT, "Well there had been a few first years who were very shifty... actual the train scaling ones. Also, Griengoth had been a little TOO interested in Mortimer," who else, who else, "OH and Chace and Abby had been very shifty too... Also through Lafay in there too... because she took points away for my bat being lost..." Curiouser and curiouser. Vivi handed over the hat and took the monocle, sweeping back her falling hair and squinting up one eye to hold the piece of glass in place. Yes. Very sleuthy.
It was hard to believe the firsties were responsible, especially because they'd come on to the scene so late. It was perfectly easy to believe in Greingoth, but only 'cause the girl was a Slytherin.
Chace and Abby. Those two were obsessed with each other, and didn't have time to pay attention to Mortimer. In her opinion. And LAFAY. She'd heard stories, but not having met the woman... it was hard to tell.
"I'll keep that in mind, but I think we need a trap."
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |