Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
A frown started to edge itself across the librarian’s forehead as he pondered the conundrum at hand. Scratching his head with his left hand absent-mindedly he wondered out loud. "Are you sure that Captain Kirk is a wizard with a connection to Astronomy?"
"Have you asked Professor Burbage about Captain Kirk?" If the man had a connection to astronomy and was a wizard then surely the Astronomy Professor would know who he was if this Captain Kirk was famous for something. "To want to read up on the man to know who he is and what he might be known for is an admirable trait which you should be proud of." Mr Kitridge praised.
Hmm. Captain Kirk?? There were no bells rining in his head.
Presley shrugged.
"I haven't asked professor Burbage anything." She replied bluntly. Nor did she have any desire to. Presley would rather throw herself into the lake for the giant squid to have than voluntarily spend more time with the new astronomy professor.
"But, no. I'm not sure he's a wizard at all. He might be?" She offered.
Presley grinned at the praise. Finally somebody recognized all that she did for the sake of knowledge.
"Maybe I could just check out every book you have on Astronomy and read through them all for a mention of Captain Kirk?" She suggested. Obviously Kitridge didn't know any more about the man than Presley did. And she had to start somewhere. If her research yielded nothing, then she would be resigned to asking the duffer that suggested that Newton was this Captain.