SPOILER!!: Dylan
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Dylan nodded showing her that he understood that she wasn't going to give him a list of people, drat! that meant he would have to stop sneaking up on people completely? Yeah that's what she was saying, it was a rule too?
Oh boy there went an idea for a bit of fun he had "Well I guess since its a rule.. an unspoken rule.. I must follow it" even though he didnt want to follow this rule since it seemed like a fun thing to do but now he had been told it was not something he should do. Plus he didn't want to be attacked right? so yeah it looked like no more sneaking up on people.
He heard her laugh as he continued his defence that he was not ickle, ok so now she was finding it funny that he was saying that he was not ickle. Yeah it was ok for you to be ickle when you were a first year but he didn't like it though, wait! was that true?
As he thought back he had gotten away with a few things so maybe it was true and she said so herself that it was true "Yeah thats true, I would get away with more things" he had a little smile on his face knowing that he could get away with things now.
He thought about what she said that he had to work hard for it, would he be able to work hard for it? "Well once I have a few tryouts I will be able to see if I am gonna work really hard for it." he thought about it a little more "And if I wanna be the best.. then yeah I guess I will work hard for it." although he wondered just how hard she was talking about working, that was a question that he wanted answered "So how hard are we talking about?" he asked wondering what she exactly meant.
Maybe this kid would actually be of some use to Selina, as little lion or something. He was sort of quick on his feet and he stuck up for what he believed in. However, unlike his friend on the platform, he did have some sort of social understanding and didn't always comment on things that could get him in trouble. So he was smartish... she could work with smartish. Besides, everyone started their career at this school as a blank canvas. He was just the rough copy right now... she could help mold him. Smirk.
She chuckled,
"There are a lot of unspoken rules, you know? And you should probably follow all of them." It was true, there were a ton of rules. Like don't ever prank a Slytherin unless you can run; don't kick a hufflepuff because they will drown you with their tears; don't ever tell a Ravenclaw that they are stupid because apparently that is like cutting off their legs. Little tiny unspoken rules like that. But he would learn those as he went along in school.
See? Being ickle was not so terrible. There were upsides to everything in life. Except being without one's bat. There was NOTHING positive about that. Speaking of which she needed her bat as quickly as possible. Maybe later, when she turned this boy into a little lion, she could coherse him into putting up more posters. Good plan.
"Good... I'm looking forward to seeing you work. If you make the team of course because you need to work for everything you get in life." She would NEVER put someone on the team just because. The redhead wanted to win... she would NOT just put people on the team to put people on the team.