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Old 09-06-2012, 06:47 PM   #19 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Stupid boys making her think things... and feel things... Just STUPID. Ugh. BLAH. Addy shoved her hands deep into her pockets and pulled her hood up on her sweatshirt. THERE. No one could see the beacon of red hair and come rushing to talk to her. *SNORT* Like that ever happened. HEHEH.

Letting her eyes wander she stopped short when she saw a little girl standing WAAAAAAY too close to the whomping willow. Um... that was potentially dangerous. SIGHS.

"HEY! Girl person there! You may want to back up a little bit before the willow decides to take it personally." Just saying.
As someone started yelling, Sutton looked away from the tree to look at the older girl. She gave a little laugh, figuring the girl was trying either be funny or make fun of her. Either way, it seemed a very silly thing to say... how could a tree take it personally?

Hmm.. something was casting odd shadows on the ground...

In one of those odd, feels-like-slow-motion, real life moments, Sutton turned her head just in time to see that there was a large branch with a whip-like end heading right for her. With a gasp, her eyes went wide as she jumped... literally jumped backwards out of the way. She missed the blunt of impact, but the whip-like end made contact with her uncovered shins with loud smacking sound, and she fell backwards on the ground as her eyes welled up with tears, more out of fear and embarrassment than pain.
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