SPOILER!!: Ickle Dylan... the Quidditch Star
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Dylan was seeing new things just hanging out with his captain, she was actually chuckling now too? first a smile and now a chuckle? was she tricking him? he hoped not. But she didn't seem to be that bad actually so that was a good thing right since they are in the same house.
She said what now? "They do? They get that scared that they attack? Who are these people? just for my safety you know.. I should know who they are" he smiled. Yeah and she wouldn't want him getting hurt right so she would tell him who they were.
If that chuckle and smile was surprising then the pat on the head was even more surprising, this didn't seem like the girl who had gone along with his punishment. But he went along with it anyways since she was being nice to him, he smiled as she said not to worry about it.
Yeah he saw that smirk when he said that he was not ickle, he knew that she was thinking the opposite that he was ickle just cause he was 11. But he was not and he would tell that to everyone that called him an ickle kid "I am not ickle! I may be a first year but that does not make me ickle" he pressed on the issue cause he really didn't like being called ickle.
She wasn't mad that he was trying out for the team? Ok who was this girl and what had she done with Selina, seriously.. who was this older girl. She looked like Selina and sounded like her but she was not Selina! He nodded to say that he was in fact trying out for the team, wait did she say that was great!? Okay! He smiled a little before answering her "Umm well I don't know what position I would be good at.. but I guess chaser or beater would be the one for me" well thats what he thought.. since he had never been good at any of the positions.
He would blame his dad for that who was often too busy off working and not playing with him enough. "But I am sure with enough practice I will be the best quidditch player in the whole school!" yeah he would.. just how much practice that would take he didn't know but he would try his best to become the best!
Did she have something on her face or something? Because this ICKLE firstie kept looking at her like she had three heads or something. It was starting to get bloody annoying and if he didn't quit it she was going to make a point of telling him that it was annoying her a lot. Usually, when Selina told people that they were being annoying, at least the younger students, that was the last time they did said thing. Then again, her boyfriend was a repeat offender of ignoring her quips. Every time they were together she insisted that being tickled was not her favorite thing- yet he did it anyway. Of course, he was almost a whole foot taller than her, so what exactly was she supposed to do with that. ALTHOUGH she did have a lot of bite in her for someone her size. So people didn't often cross her.
She had to suppress a snort when the kid asked for a list. It was not like that was the sort of thing that Selina casually carried around on her person. A list of that sort would be just plain silly. People just usually learned from experience... and Selina was a huge fun of education and learning. Smirk. So she just waved away his question,
"I'm not going to give you a list. And general rule, don't sneak up on anyone. It's sort of an unspoken rule."
His safety. Hah. Well, they would have to see how safe he would be at the end of the term. His lady friend from the platform did seem like she would be the sort who would annoy some Slytherins... not that Selina had asked anyone to handle the situation....
Now she did actually laugh a little,
"You are ickle. You are a first year. Its OKAY to be ickle. I promise. Because you get away with a lot more stuff. Its true." Once you got older Professors did not take much lightly. They had it good and they did not even appreciate it.
He didn't know which position he was trying out for? Well she supposed that was for the best. Honestly, at the end of the day whatever position that they wanted was not always what they got. SELINA and Bentley made the decisions on the final roster. So people had to get used to that and fast. Because that was sort of the way things worked. So she supposed he was handling that well.
But when he said that he was going to be the best she smiled,
"You gotta work really hard to achieve that. Do you have it in you to be that dedicated?" Because IF he made the team.... Selina was a dictator at practice.