Thread: The Room
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Old 09-06-2012, 05:59 PM   #17 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harri Ainsworth
Second Year
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

So they were not dating. That's what he said and that was what she had heard. "Oh," was all she could utter as she nodded in response. She wasn't going to add anymore to that, even if truth be told, she was actually feeling a surge of relief inside of her. Why? She had no idea. Still, she wasn't going to put all her trust on the Slytherin's words. Boys never admitted to those kind of things anyway.


They were alone? It struck her like lightning. It was true. They were the only people inside the room, no one else. This realization had suddenly brought chills to her spine, making her a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't because she was with Dylan, but more of because she was with a guy and well...she wasn't too naive not to know things. She glanced at him for a moment. Surely Dylan won't do anything bad to her right?


The brunette sort of fidgeted on her seat before having a drastic change of mood. Yep, anything to get her mind off the whole 'They Were Alone' thing. With a slightly higher tone, she replied, "Why? Why does it bother you Dy? It wasn't like we were doing anything." Okay, maybe talking was something. "Really shouldn't be like that towards him." Head-shaking. "I understand that he's your best friend but you know what? He made me smile when you did the opposite. I don't know how I should say this but he's..he..." Yeah, she wasn't going to finish that one. She couldn't find the right words to use. "..It just hurts to know he cares more than you do considering I've gotten to know you more than him.. I don't know why, but it does..It hurts.." There, that felt awfully better. She had verbalized the collision of thoughts inside her head. Honestly, she didn't understand it what she had just said, and she doubted Dylan will.

Merlin help her. This guy always had the power to confuse her so much.

And because she was out of her mind not thinking properly anymore, Beezus couldn't quite control herself that she blurted things she knew she'd come to regret. "You do." Yes Dylan, she really thinks you have an interest in the Hufflepuff Captain. "She has red hair..and you two had been...seeing each other." So, not dating. But seeing each other. Hmm.

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