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Oh dear.
Elodie blinked as the girl started to make NOISE under her hand. UGH. WAS THAT A TONGUE TOUCHING HER PALM?!?!!!!!!! Cue major freakout.
Pulling her hand back quickly, Els wiped it down the front of her robes, and STARED at Alexa. "You just licked me. That's gross." Elodie's hands were CLEAN. They did not need CLEANING, Alexa. That was...just ugh. Gosh. Part of her actually wanted to throw up. But she wouldn't. Because she was a good friend, and Alexa needed her today, otherwise her wrist would never get fixed up.
"Hey, I'll hold you hand, yeah? The good one. And we can do it together. And i'll be there when you're finished, and we can go get some ice cream, okay?" Promise. Because Elodie liked ice cream, and it always made her feel better.
So long as Alexa didn't lick her hand again.
It served her right. Lex didn't usually resort to such actions but what did the girl expect to happen? She was sick and tired of people trying to silence her in fact and she'd rather be allowed to make as much noise as she liked. Well at least Elodie didn't use a wand, that would have annoyed her...
a lot.
Lex stares over at her.
"Yeah I know, but you silenced me; that's mean." Very mean in her book actually.
"But I am sorry. I just don't like when people do that. I've barely been here but I've already had a wand pointed at me more times than I care to remember with people putting a silencing charm on me!" She pouted just a bit.
"At least you didn't use a wand... She might just have stormed off in silent rage if she had.
Lex smiled when she offered to hold her hand...her father always did that when he knew she was scared. The smile brightened at the promise of ice-cream.
"We can get ice-cream around here?! Really?? Where?! I'd really like if we went for some!!!"