Originally Posted by
Saz Hale
Arabella-Marie shrugged and said "Hmm yeah i suppose your right i do not really want them to re-break my wrist just to fix it" Arabella-Marie was struggling not to black out because she really needed to go to the healer and soon but she was just being a big kid
"Exactly! You wouldn't want that at all so how's about you put on a brave face and head to the healer before it's too late!" No sooner than she said that did she see just how awful the girl looked.
"Ummm...you really should hurrying to the Healer. You don't look very good at all...are you feeling faint." She took a step back.
"Tell me now so I can run before you do because I think you'd be too heavy to carry all the way to the Healer's office!!" She was too small to carry anyone! She didn't wanna get squashed