Originally Posted by
Saz Hale
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Yeah well i will but the healer kind of scares me and plus i think that i broke my wrist i should go and see her but i will do it in my own time"
Lex made a face at the girl. To think she thought
she was bad. This girl was even more dillusional!!!
"Ummm....I'm no Healer and I'm not gonna pretend to know a lot about that healing game but I'm pretty sure that if it's broken and you make it set broken then they'll have to re-break your arm in order to make it better." She cringed at the thought of that.
"Do you really want them re-breaking your wrist just to fix it?" Of course Lex's case was different because two people told her it wasn't broken so therefore she didn't need to be in any rush.