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Heeeeeeyyyy the front gate! Neat! She didn't know where she was going but she didn't think she would end up here! And it was such a nice front gate too! She skipped over to it, wanting to see what laid just outside the gates of Hogwarts but before she could get a very good look she saw a familiar girl.
"Hi again!" She said with a wide smile. "Do you remember me? We met near Knocturn Alley during the summer!" and though standing on the stairs was fun she had had much more fun when she walked down there with Garrett. If only he hadn't been such a scaredy-cat! The dark wizard wasn't all that scary anyway and it wasn't like he would have actually done anything to them....sure he hexed them but she was pretty sure that was the worst he was willing to do. Who would want to hurt two kids?
Then she noticed the girl didn't look so well. "And are you okay? You don't look so good....
Arabella-Marie looked up and smiled at the girl and said "Sure i remember you and hmm i am not sure i am not feeling too good" Arabella-Marie was feeling pretty dizzy and she wasnt sure why