AHEM! Clearing her throat as the young man entered the classroom, her eyes boooooooooooooore into his features. He. Was.LATE! At least he had greeted her
informally and followed instructions, so that saved the young thing SOME grief from her.
Some, mind you, not all.
Hello dear, 5 points from Ravenclaw for arriving late. But dooooooo enjoy the soda and be careful not to spill."
Were there no more hands raise? Good good. Time to move on!
Very good, all of you!" Minus those who had called the studmuffin OLD. "
This is Sir Isaac Newton who has maaaaaaaaaaaaany fabulous contributions to the scientific world, but the ones I want to focus on today are Newton's laws of motion, which some of you have already mentioned and some have even explained." She paused for a moment to acknowledge each student with a polite nod of the head. "
Oh, do keep on sipping on your sodas by the way darlings. You will be needing those bottles soon."
Now...where was she? Oh yes! Newton's laws of motion.
Turning towards the blackboard now, Marion flicked her wand at it to make some writing appear.
Once this was written on the board, she turned back to the class and eyed them all for a moment. "
Please write these down on your parchment," she instructed, pausing just long enough to give them time to do so. "
Now, I would like you all to keep in mind what Mr. Odessa mentioned earlier about Newton showing the world that you can 'make stuff happen because of natural laws.'" She said, using the boy's own words. It WAS best to learn from your peers in some cases. Youth had a way of relating to each other like she could never do. Siiiiiiiiigh.
BUT, before we get into that...I have one more studmuffin to introduce you all toooooooooo," she hummed as she levitated the second picture off the desk and enlarged it as well. "
Now, who can tell me who thiiiiiiiiiiiiis is?!"
After this man was identified aaaaaaaaaaaaall would become clear - even though certain daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlings had already pinned the tail on the abraxan.