Scribble Scribble Scribbleeeeee
Ella copied down the notes onto her parchment, making sure to include everything in case they would be using it again later in the lesson. She couldn't help but frown slightly as she did so, knowing that this Professor had no problems taking away points. Andddd it seemed that some Hufflepuffs didn't mind that at all. Didn't they know that the badgers had a house cup to defend? Clearly not. Meh.
Oh...and another picture. The third year eyed the man curiously, eyebrows raised. Homeboy definitely was lacking in the locks department, that was for sure. The small blonde was tempted to suggest that this guy was in fact Mr. Clean from those muggle commercials, but decided against it. Besides, Mr. Clean definitely didn't have a rad mustache. Poor guy.
So if it wasn't Mr. Clean, who was this dude? Someone who was a candidate for the Hair Club for Men, no doubt, a club Ella's own Dad had vowed never to join. Think. Think. Think. OH!...
That dude. THE ROCKET DUDE. What was his name? Goose? No...Gobblert? No, that definitely wasn't right. EEP GODDARD!
"Professor, I think that guy is the Goddard guy, the one who experimented with rockets." It totally was, yeah?
Oh andddd Sip. Sip. Sip. Orange soda really was awesome.