SPOILER!!: Violet the pretty one
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At the time of this alleged confrontation between her two best friends, Miss Violet Le Veela had been in the courtyard reading a book that her mother had sent her. It was about two couples who had been unfortunately cast under a spell by a fairy, making these poor souls fall in love with the wrong person. And they spent most of their time chasing each other about the forest trying to find one another. Then there was apparently a beautiful fairy queen who had fallen in love with a man who had the head of a donkey..which Violet found rather random...but slightly romantic as well!
But just as she was about to go on any further a young Gryffindor had approached her with a piece of paper in their hand, giving it to Violet. She closed her book, which read the title, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' by a William Shakespeare, placing it on her lap. She thanked the young Gryffindor for giving her the note and proceeded to open it and read it.
Within 15 minutes of reading the note, Violet was already back in the school walking throughout the halls with the sound of her heels clicking on the floor. Going every way she knew until she had finally reached the girls' lavatory. Violet began wondering what Selina needed to talk to her about, hoping she wasn't in trouble. She immediately had received a flashback to a time when Selina had flown and tackled Violet to the floor the last time they had spoken together in the lavatory.
Violet hoped for the best as she opened the door and walked inside. Standing waiting there patiently was her best friend and Violet smiled almost immediately. She said sweetly,"Hi Sely! I got your note!" she held it up a little bit, and lowered it as she began walking towards the redhead. Violet then went on to ask lightly,"How are you?"
Selina had been kicking the floor for what seemed like ages, when the bubbly blonde finally burst through the doors. However, Selina did not even miss a beat. They needed to talk. Violet knew, knew better than anyone, that her and Elektra's relationship was strained. She also knew that Gideon was a sore point between both parties. So she wanted to know why the blonde had turned around and told Elektra that it had taken Gideon two years to say that. That conversation was private and Elektra did not need to hear that, especially because Selina had been really, really insecure that whole month. It was horrible.
So when Violet started to walk toward her, Selina met her dead in the middle. Her blue eyes flashed with upset and she said right out of the box, ignoring what Violet had asked,
"Why did you tell Elektra that it took Gideon two years to tell me he loved me?" She trust Violet. That was private. Those were things that she told her in the strictest of confidence. Heck, her and Violet had many talks when she and Gideon were... unclear. And then to tell Elektra really, really hurt her.
Plus, Elektra exploited that weakness in her. And it hurt... it hurt REALLY bad.