Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina had gotten the message from a shifty little first year to meet someone by the name of Sherlock at this precise spot. Honestly, the redhead was a little bit shocked to say the least to see a first year at breakfast with a blood red note in their grubby fists, but that was only because the first years hand was dirty. Yuck ickle first year, wash your hands please! And she had to touch the note....
But here she was anyway. With a monocle in hand because she had a hunch who Sherlock was... Maybe... She hoped. Because if she was wrong she would feel awful stupid. Monocles could not be wasted on just the average Joe. Only people who appreciated the craft of sleuthing could see her special monocle.
So awkwardly she whistled, "Watson to Sherlock, Watson to Sherlock... Are you here?" Vivi whistled back. "'ello, Watson. Pull up a bit of cold stone floor and lurk in dark corners with me." In spite of the jumper, her legs were cold from the stone and her back was a bit crampy. Not comfortable, no.
She peeked out from around the statue and waved for Selina to join her. Hullo. Nice to have a partner in crime. "Hope you brought your brain. We have some work to do."
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |