Awarlesta Julietta Black Basics:
Nickname: Awar, Lesta, Lessie
Birth of Place: Oxfordshire, England
Current Age: 11
Birthday: April 15
Heritage: Half and Half
Boggart: Spider
Patronus: Unknown
Mother: Belinda Black 'nee Santiago
Heritage: Muggle
Father: Darius Black (deceased)
Heritage: Pureblood
Sibling: Manolo James Black
Heritage: Half and Half
A Tawny Owl named Pegasus (Peggy)
Black hair with straight-across bangs, hazel eyes, skin slightly tanned, petite, and average body size.
Coming from a family of purebloods and Slytherins, her sorting into Hufflepuff wasn't wonderful news to them. Although she loves her house, she's in constant pressure of impressing the family at such a young age. Her father's marriage to a Spanish muggle resulted in being pushed to bottom of family favorites. Her family received a massive blow when her father was recently killed while being on his Auror duty. Now, she has to gain respect from her family with the help of her cousin, Presley, but without losing respect from herself.
Awarlesta is really awkward at times and weird in a cute way ^-^ She can get along with people really well, but can be really quiet at times.
ooc: Hi! My name's Ruby. I'm 17 1/2 and I'm a Senior in High School. This is my first year taking role-playing seriously, but I've been a Potterhead since I was six, so I'm puuuurty excited!