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Old 09-05-2012, 11:21 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Alec Blake Summers
Hufflepuff's resident kite flier/Ice cream lover
Model: Colin Ford

{...Personal... }
Nickname(s): Blakey, Al, Alecutie, AleQuidditch, Alekins, Superman Hero Special Alec, Summer boy, Stay Gold Ponyboy, Alfredo Sauce, Bro, Alex, Superman, Hair Whipper, Tackler Boy,
Age: 13
Year: Third
Date of Birth: 18th September 2064
Place of Birth: Watford, Hertfordshire
Current Residence: Surrey
Gender: Male
Heritage: Half-Blood His lack of magical knowledge is explained below
Ethnicity: British!
Wand: 11 1/2" cherry wood, unicorn hair core,
House: Hufflepuff
Patronus: [He doesn't know so i don't know]
Boggart: [... the same thing with the Patronus bit]
Relationship Status: Single!
Favourite subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts
Least favourite subjects: History of Magic
--> Skipper, his goldfish
--> Baltimore, his owl
--> Dexter, his gecko
--> Domino, his dog

Height: 5'6”
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Grey-blue
--> Special Note about his eyes: When he's upset/angry/scared, his eyes are more grey than blue. But when he's happy/excited, his eyes turn more blue than grey.

Dad: Michael Summers
Occupation: Vet
Mum: Rebecca Summers (nee Collins)
Occupation: Journalist
Siblings None!

SPOILER!!: Alec's history!
{...Alec, A History...}
Before Hogwarts:
Alec Summers was born on the crisp late evening of September 18th. It was shortly afterwards, in the early morning of the following day, that Rebecca ran away, leaving Alec with nothing but a single pendant that has an 'R' on it. After a couple of months, Alec and Michael moved houses, which was their way of moving on with their lives. It was in this new house that he grew more and more attached to his neighbours, the Phillips’. Alec grew closer and closer towards Anya Phillips in particular and ended up doing almost everything with her. Michael was good in that he taught Alec everything a young boy should know whilst Anya provided him with the comfort only a best friend could give. So, Alec ended up growing up without feeling the constant lack of a mother.

The biggest shock in Alec’s life came when he came home one day to find a weird man standing in his living room, having a talk with Michael. After some nervous chuckles and disbelief, Alec realised that the man wasn't pulling a prank on him and that he was, in fact, magical! So he ventured off towards Diagon Alley, his very first encounter with the magical world… and with other magical people, much to Anya’s displeasure.
First Year:
So his first year rolled by where the eleven year old entered Hogwarts as any other child would; slightly nervous, excited and out to find himself in a new world. The young boy ended up being sorted into Hufflepuff and hence, was separated from his all time best friend. This was something neither of the young kids liked very much. But Alec was happy about the house he was sorted into.

Due to his sporty side, Alec ended up signing up for the Quidditch Team, a sport he knew very little about. But, after a couple of conversations with the Quidditch Captain and practising with the other nervous hopefuls, Alec found himself growing more and more attached to the sport. He was very chuffed to then make it onto the team as a Seeker! Something he didn't like about this sport was the fact that he was put up against his best friend for the first ever match. And he had to face someone six years older than him in the other two. But despite all this, Alec has learnt to come out of his comfort zone slightly and he ended up helping his team gain the victory they strived for.

All in all, Alec's first year consisted of him finding out different parts of himself and putting the little pieces together. He also had to adapt to sharing his best friend with other people, especially since they were in two different houses. The young Hufflepuff has also grown slightly confused as to why he's surrounded by so many girls but, after a year, he's grown used to the idea, even if it brings about some mocking words from his roommate.

Second Year:
After his summer of feeling slightly jealous, Alec was ready to enter his second year and make it more awesome than his first year. Because, well, he was turning thirteen! A teenager! To him, that was pretty awesome!

But, before he knew it, this year turned out to be worse than his first year at Hogwarts. A feeling of disappointment set in when he didn't end up making it onto the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team. Nothing looked right when he didn't see the 'Alec Summers' on the team's roster. But after a couple of weeks of ice cream eating and owls to his father, the Hufflepuff got over this slight setback in his second year. After all, he did get to play in a game! And he managed to dress up in a badger costume which, let's face it, he wasn't too happy about.

And then another setback entered his life when the freezing frenzy went around and his best friend froze. Alec was completely shocked and wouldn't say much for days on end. He would also sit around and just write in his journal quite a lot which would never be seen by the eyes of anyone EVER!. He was really happy when she unfroze and was back again.

Speaking of Anya, Alec started to grow feelings for the Gryffindor. He didn't really know what to do about these feelings of his which made him feel slightly more awkward than he already was. He spent the rest of the year trying to figure out these feelings and whether they were actually real feelings or... just friendly feelings. It was only until the end of the year where he realised just how he felt about his best friend. This was probably the first time Alec's naturally awkward side came through. And it was also the first time where he just wished he was slightly braver than normal.

Alec is a sweet, loyal boy who likes being in the company of others as long as they’re not likely to scare him. His usually happy self is matched with a sweet smile that spreads effortlessly across his face. He has been known to be called cute from time to time by certain people *cough*Nessie*cough* but he tends to brush this off as a compliment. It could be this edge of his personality that landed him in Hufflepuff; a house he’s now proud of being in, despite being separated from his best friend.

Alec is known to spend a lot of time outdoors rather than indoors. He prefers the cool breezes and the feeling of not being cooped up in one place for too long. Maybe it’s his athletic self that has made him grow a particular attachment to being outside for long periods of time. Or it could be because his father single-handedly raised him and so Alec ended up growing used to the outside. His father was also the man who is responsible for Alec’s love for sports and anything linked with sports.

Mix his sporty side with his love for kite flying and Alec has grown a competitive side to himself. He does like the idea of winning and being first who doesn’t?. This has made him want to try his hardest in everything he does, no matter how trivial the task happens to be. This could be another reason as to why he was placed in Hufflepuff instead of any other house.

Alec has grown very used to having Anya to himself, as his best friend. Therefore, if anyone else tries to take Anya away, he tends to become a little bit jealous, especially if the other person happens to be a boy. Of course, he doesn’t realise that he’s getting slightly jealous. His usually nice demeanour doesn’t allow him to say or do anything nasty to the other person. He’s also very clueless about girls and what they can do, especially if a girl is trying to pry him away from his best friend. This usually ends up with him being in the middle of an argument without actually realising that he’s done something to upset either people involved. Alec also has a tendency to use words like “Sir”, “Mister” and “Miss” when it comes to addressing older people.

  • Kite flying
  • Ice cream
  • Hanging out with his friends
  • The outdoors
  • Sports (mainly Quidditch)
  • Toffee
  • Fudge
  • Pillow fights
  • Superman
  • Teasing Messer

  • Mean people
  • People trying to take his best friend (or any other friend) away from him
  • Being jealous
  • Being in the middle of something he doesn’t understand
  • Messer out-teasing him

OOC: HAAIIII! I'm Kita and I RP this little awkward weirdo. I'm 18, live in London and about to start University later this month. And this is my... *counts* ... 10th term on SS? OHMYGOSH, I'M SS!OLD. ... *coughs* Okay, so I'm a bit crazy as well. But if you want anything or if you want to RP, I'm just a VM/PM away.

Last edited by hermionesclone; 09-06-2012 at 08:13 PM.
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