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Old 09-05-2012, 09:56 PM   #2 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default Vickyyyyy <3
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Louisa used her quill this time and her wand to gather her hair up in an unkempt bun, thanks to her unnamed kitty the ribbon she usually used was now the new chewing toy to the feline. Hmph, how very rude. Who said Louisa ever wanted cats anyways? People just assume girls like to have pets, particularly cats. Big shock there because this certain girl would've preferred a parrot who could learn how to talk and actually communicate with her instead of demanding snuggles and other emotional attention. Sillystupidcats.

... did she just rant about her cat in her head? Louisa let out a sigh and a chuckle as she skillfully hopped down the grounds toward the Greenhouses.

It was sunny, not burning kind of sunny but warm and slightly humid now that she was closer to the Lake and the Hot Spring. The first weekend this term was just like they were back in summer with the weather and not much to study for yet. Which was why Vickers and herself agreed to seize this opportunity and have a soothing, very necessary and private meeting, to discuss... things.

Maybe the boy had his mind set on the thing they both shared at the party, which was the main reason why she came over here, but Louisa had a little more to tell him - well, not 'little', not at all. But even that it was kind of irrelevant and... horrid, it was like a big rock waiting for her to be all alone to fall and force her to cease breathing. She HAD to lift this rock or even smite it! And he was the best candidate; the closest friend available within reach. Really, she wanted him to know, without a justified reason or motive, Louisa wanted Vickers to know more intimate things about her, things that she considered vulnerable, secrets no one else was allowed to learn them about her, not even her magic-hater mother.
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