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"Shame? No." After all. She CHOSE him as her brother. Duh. Why would she choose someone who wasn't awesome as a sibling? Hmm?
"Because potions can be dangerous!" And no, Aurora was not going to drop that. "Even if you do it right... sometimes they can really damage a person." She grew a little quieter as she said that. She knew more than a lot of people the damage a potion could do... and she had the bloody lung problems to prove it. "And if you don't want people to care then don't tell them."
"You said that already." Aurora pointed out, leaning back into the sofa again. She clicked her tongue a couple of times and the big white ball of fluff on the carpet in front of the fire stood up and showed itself to be a cat. Then it jumped up onto her lap and curled back into the fluffy ball. Yep, she had trained Sebastian this summer. Hehehe.
Uuuh. Well poor kid couldn't change her family. Not Serenity's fault her brothers were winners. Well, kind of.
Oh right. Yaaaay. Big rant yeah? Thanks.
"Yeah, I think it really damaged her his ego." Serenity slipped in, sarcastically. And now she was making Potions sound like a health and safety lecture. Booooooring. Potions were boring. Someone should get rid of them.
"Why do you care so much? Or is our potions teacher a safety freak or something?" Nad Serenity just ignored that last bit.
Yeah thanks Miss Smug.
"Wow! You wanna cookie for remembering what I said?" Well done, Miss, now Serenity was in a bad mood too. She leaned back and some bit of white fur skittered over to her for a ickle nap. Wow, this kid had time on her hands. Teaching her kitty tricks? Well done. Her brother once had a cat. And he never taught it anything. Though he probably gave it all kinds of potions.