Thread: The Hot Spring
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Old 09-05-2012, 07:56 PM   #19 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Edric was being really quiet. Too quiet, perhaps. What was he thinking in the brain of his, anyway? Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. Ella frowned, continuing to look out at the water. She was waiting for whatever negative comment was about to come out of her ogre's mouth, knowing it was only a matter of time.

Squirm. That laugh? That was like a super villain laugh! Ursula and Cruella Deville had NOTHING on Edric. Ella frowned, finally facing him again. "That's not nice, Edric." Did Harvey even know how to swim? EEP. Ella needed to find this out, yeah? And warn him to stay away from large bodies of water while Edric was still at Hogwarts. That would be wise. "You don't have to worry about him, anyway. He doen't even like me back." And she couldn't help but sound a little hurt when she revealed this, even though she was trying really hard not to.
"It's not nice to invite a guy for a swim?" asked Edric, raising an eyebrow at Ella. It's as if he had spilled all his thoughts out to her. Somehow the girl just knew him too well. "I thought it was friendly behaviour."

But then Ella was sharing some information that Edric hadn't even thought about. Of course. He'd just been assuming all this time that all little boys were chasing after his fairy godchild, what with her new… ways, and all. But there was always that possibility. Precisely the boy she liked, might not like her back.

The Gryffindor's mock-innocent expression faded as his brows furrowed, watching as Ella seemed to shrink beside him, looking and sounding rather hurt by the fact that this Harvey git didn't like her back.

"He's an idiot," muttered Edric without really thinking. Then he realized he probably wasn't being very helpful. "I mean… does he know that you like him?" Which honestly, was more than any foolish little Ravenclaw boy deserved. Ella wasn't just pretty, she was smart and clever and had an amazing sense of humour. Was this kid blind?

— the sun & the moon
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