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Bwahahahah. Now missy here looked even more overjoyed at the thought of an ickle firstie sitting with her. Was Serenity cramping her style? Not to greet someone like that? Should Serenity take her hat off and bow? Back to the 18th century? Even offering a handshake seemed old. What did modern people do? She couldn't say she met many people who seemed as sullen and clearly did not want company, and quite plainly, Serenity had not been taught how to entertain such a person, let alone greet.
"Sorry ma'am, much obliged to meet you." she raised her eyebrows and offered her hand. "So why aren't you happy? Or should I leave before you threaten me? Cause I don't mind, that Theo gave me a love potion and Professor Saviour punished him. Yeah." not to mention that she, too, had been punished. "And he threatened to take FIFTY housepoints, not kidding, Professor Savior not Theo that is." That guy was Professor Saviour right? She hadn't heard whatever he was saying beacasue he was too bust salivating, and promptly shoving, a load of food into his mouth. Apparently Professors were no better than animals now.
Ma'am..? Aurora raised a singular eyebrow as the girl offered her a hand. Didn't she know anything between rude and old fashioned..? But Aurora wasn't exactly in the mood to touch anyone right now so she ignored it.
"Hello would have done." she said.
"If I was going to threaten you I would have done already..." Wait... what? Theo..?
"Theodore..? Theodore Kinsley?" That brought a little smile to Aurora's lips... Yep, if it
was him then she was super proud of her honorary little brother... though she would have to teach him not to get caught.
"It's Scabior." Aurora corrected.
"And if you do insist on getting caught in these things then teachers will take points. Only report things if they weren't done by Slytherins..." She rolled her eyes, surely that was common sense...