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Old 09-05-2012, 06:21 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eli Mercer
Seventh Year

SPOILER!!: Meeeeeh meeeeeeeh
Once upon a time, Selina would have buckled in fear at Elektra's tough person act. But now, years of handling her abuse, Selina wasn't scared anymore. She was too old now to deal with all of this petty nonsense that Elektra seemed to carry around like a badge of honor. The raven haired Slytherin always preached that she was leaps and bounds more mature than the redhead because of her life experiences, but that didn't make people mature. It just made her more cultured. Selina wasn't afraid of her anymore. When that happened, she could not be sure, but what she did know was that a weight had been lifted.

So instead of cowering in fear, she simply rolled her eyes and said, "You don't scare me anymore, Elektra." Standing her ground, her eyes softened a little and she added darkly, "And I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry that you think that you need to intimidate me for whatever your reasons are, but I don't care anymore. You can't scare everyone into submission." And THAT was the truth.

What was this? Not afraid?! Oh bloody hell...Well looks like Elektra's reign of fun was slowly about to come to an end for her tormenting Selina. Sigh...And I was having so much fun tormenting you so... she thought. On the outside Elektra raised her eyebrow to Selina listening to her words eat at Elektra like they were poison. Feels sorry for me? SHE FEELS SORRY FOR ME?! She could not believe what she was hearing at this moment. This was a side of Selina that Elektra NEVER saw before and she did not like it one bit. Her expression was emotionless. What was Elektra going to do? What could she say? First, her father is brought up and Elektra's mind started to run wildly thinking of how he treated Elektra, and now Selina isn't afraid of her? What's next? Elektra getting cursed again? All Elektra could do was scoff and sys, "Whatever Selina. I don't need pity coming from you." She said walking by Selina bumping her shoulder and letting her fist go slowly as she tries to calm herself down before she punches another mirror in the bathroom.
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