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Already bored. She'd been here a matter of hours and she was already bored of it. Seriously, if something interesting didn't happen within the next day or so Aurora would be tempted to blow something up just to see the reactions... though around here people would probably think a first year had done it by accident. Sigh. Sure, it was safer here than it was back home, but at least when they were being attacked she hadn't been bored...
Aurora sank into one of the sofas in front of the fire and kicked her feet up onto it... if she was taller she might have been able to take up the whole sofa, but as it was her legs only just went over half of it. Pfft. Even with the inch she'd grown over summer she was still short. Grr. Bored and short and... restless. WHY was she back here? She didn't want to be. So she was moody. Again.
Pweeeetty common room. She liked it. As long as Serenity forgot they were underwater. Serenity was deathly scared of water. She coukd hardly swim. She didn't even like baths. Well, if she couldn't sleep, she'd just climb in with some other first year right? Jokes. Well there was a bored kid. Apparently not everyone was as excited as her to be here.
"Did Santa leave you off his list of something?" Serenity raised her eyeborws at the kid and sat on the sofa next to her.
It was bizarre that this kid was looking bored and upset and blah, considering Serenity was the one who had been threatened with losing 50 points from a scary Professor Saviour or S--- whatever his name was, just mere hours ago. And poor Alexa had lost Gryffindor some points too which was kind of slightly her fault. So yeah. If she was happy this kid should be. What happened? Someone die?