Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret Elijah was pleased to see that the waiting room was empty. He half expected it to be filled with those idiots on the platform who had injured themselves by traveling via portkey. Only Muggleborns could possibly harm themselves that way. Pfft.
Well, even if there had been other people in the waiting room, Elijah would have told them all to bugger off and let him through, because his condition was MUCH MORE SERIOUS. He had been bitten by Aspen Odessa, for Merlin's sake! And even Aparecium was reporting that she was half vampire or something. Looking down at the bite mark on his arm, he could feel it tingle. He could almost weep at the thought of only being awake at night for the rest of his life... GULP. At least Healer Tillstorm was nice. Or at least she had been last time he'd been visiting the Hospital Wing.
__________________ When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
*wink* |