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Edric rolled his eyes as Ella mentioned ogres' lack of hearts. There was a crooked half-smile on his face. His fairy godchild was learning his ways; she'd become quite clever. He remembered when she was just sweet and innocent and always surprised. "Good one."
As the girl explained that she'd grown a couple of inches, Edric shrugged. He assumed she would, but she didn't grow up a couple inches. She grew some twelve feet.
And then Ella was reminding him that she would be turning fourteen soon.
When in Merlin's beard did Ella get so OLD?! 14! That was just three years younger than him! She was beginning to catch up!
"It's a terrible change," replied Edric almost instantly, not being encouraging at all. "I can't really ruffle your hair or pull your cheeks anymore. You have no cheeks. All the baby fat's gone," went on the awful little ogre boy, obviously not helping Ella at all. He might've been a little bitter that she'd grown up. Like she'd done it on purpose or something. He'd kind of expected her to stay a twelve-year-old forever.
An eye roll, eh? That's all Ella got from her ogre? She thought the heart comment had been pure gold...but she was kinda biased. At least he was smiling, though. That was a good sign.
"I know."She said in response to his 'good one', a small smile on her face. She was seriously becoming a mini Edric. How frightening.
Frown. Frown. Frown. A
terrible change? It wasn't THAT terrible, was it? Her green eyes went a bit wider as he continued on, commenting on her lack of cheeks. Absently her hands went up to her face, pulling at her own skin to test his theory. MERLIN'S BEARD! He was right! But wait, wasn't the fact that he couldn't pull her cheeks a GOOD thing? She had
kinda hated that. But the hair ruffling...surprisingly she didn't want that to stop.
"But...you could still ruffle my hair if you wanted...sometimes." Not that she was going to ADMIT that she enjoyed it. Nope. Her lips were sealed.
"It doesn't change anything really, my getting bigger. ...Does it?" She asked, clearly worried. He was still her evil fairy godfather and she was still his fairy godchild, yeah?
"So um...how was your summer? Did you..." He probably wasn't going to like this but she was too curious NOT to ask.
"Did you see Evelyn at all?" Eyebrowsssss.