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She was allowed here, right?
Elodie officially disliked sitting around in the common room, because there were a load of loud first years that were buggy. And she missed being eleven. Because then she could get away with crying a lot more, and wanting to go home. Oh, and then she'd be able to bounce on her bed without getting funny looks, because she was pretty sure that was what she would get if she did it in her dorm this term. SADFACE.
Tickling the pear was always something that made Elodie burst into giggles, so when she finally got into the kitchens, she was a giggling mess. OH! Hai! "Miss Kurumi!!!!" Elodie grinned, waving a hand at the older girl, as she came closer to her. Oh, how Elodie wanted to give her a BIG hug right now.
Kurumi continued to flip through her handmade recipe book, skipping over the cookies for now and heading towards the small but growing section on cupcakes when she heard her name being called. Well, not just her name but her name in a manner that could only mean one thing. Her almost favorite Hufflepuff.
Her favorite Hufflepuff was, well, Lewis. Tehehe. Although Treyen was well up there as well. So maybe it was a tie for first.
Hey Elodie," Kurumi smiled. "
How are you doing?"