Thread: The Hot Spring
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Old 09-05-2012, 02:32 PM   #5 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella was a bit tired but she needed some fresh air so the third year decided to head out to the grounds for a walk. She followed the familiar path to the duck pond, expecting that not many people would be out and about, and stopped short when she arrived.


But...but...but why did they take away the duck pond? Frown. Ella loved the duck pond! And EEP. What about that Daichi character?! Wasn't he like obsessed with ducks? And Alec! Alec loved ducks, yeah? He would be sad too. Ells would have to get some ice cream ready for both of them because this was definitely a shock.

Speaking of shocks, there was someone sitting at the edge of the steaming water. Ella narrowed her eyes, immediately recognizing the person. Her ogre! So he was alive and well and hadn't been hurt when the train went all cray cray! Thank Merlin. With a small smile, the blonde walked up next to her evil fairy godfather and sat down quietly, removing her own socks and shoes. She then very slowly dipped her own feet into the water, pleasantly surprised at how nice it felt. "I'm still going to miss the ducks." She admitted after a minute. It wasn't her typical greeting but Ella didn't feel very Ella-ish these days so in that way it was very fitting.
Edric looked up absentmindedly as his one-man party came to an end when a girl randomly appeared into the scene. He should've known it would have been too good to be true that he'd get to spend a whole thirty seconds straight in the lovely company of his own thoughts that usually just revolved around conspiracy theories and his secret love for hedgehogs.

Lost in his own thoughts once again, Edric returned his gaze to the steamy water, not noticing as yet another character arrived into the scene. This time it was a familiar little blonde, the first person ever to make Edric genuinely laugh or smile. He hadn't seen her coming, though, so as she suddenly spoke up and made her presence known, Edric nearly fell face-first into the water in shock.

Sharply turning his head in the direction of the girl, Edric furrowed his brows disapprovingly. "You're going to miss me more after I die from this heart attack," he replied to her comment about missing the ducks.

Edric's expression softened and morphed into one of curiosity and surprise as he looked at the girl he hadn't seen all summer, and who he hadn't seen much of during the last few months of school last term.

She looked WAY older. o_o Like… a tiny little woman or something. Wasn't she supposed to be eight or seven or somewhere around there?! Edric narrowed his eyes, as if suspecting that Ella might've taken a potion that would make her grow older faster. "You've changed." He left it at that.

— the sun & the moon
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