Originally Posted by
Tegz Well the second year could speak now but West hadn't had much to say on the way to the common room. Except the password to get in of course.
Loooooooooooooooooooooooook. Cap'n.
He bounded over in a few steps and threw himself in a comfy chair.
"I have to go get my broom from the healer lady." That was hello. "What are you reading?" That was 'sup.
Yawning, he heard (rather than seen), Odessa approaching his general area. Dylan thought it was interesting that West would loan it out, the broom, after just getting it...and said as much.
"I do hope it comes back in one piece." Because really...women could be irresponsible when it came to belongings.
Not that it was anything against the Healer. She couldn't help she was a woman.
Not offering words, he lifted the
book so the title was in plain sight. It was a bit silly...but the best defense was a good offense...or something like that. Dylan wanted to be prepared this time. He wanted...No,
NEEDED to win.
...And...on second thought... "How was your summer, Odessa?" Because he'd meant to owl...but had gotten...hit in the face with stuff.